Secret Pal 12 ~ Question of the week 3 and 4

9. Juli 2008

I’ll answer these both questions together.

What would you consider the perfect amount of stash?
I think, there is no perfect stash…
At the one hand I would have all sock yarns, on the other hand a big stash can crush me and during all the things I don’t fell well. At time I will reduce many things in my household (books,…) and only buy the things, I really need.

What yarn (that you don’t have/haven’t used) would make your stash “complete”?
I think,  there’s no chance to make my stash complete, because there are so many nice yarns I would like to try. But of course there are yarns that I’d like to try, f.e. Blue Moon Fiber Arts, Flat Feet Sock Yarn, Wollmeise,….

What yarn do you never want to be without?
Definitely sock yarn.

Strick-Goodies / Knitting-Goodies

1. Juli 2008

Heute bekam ich Post aus Amerika. Vor einiger Zeit habe ich dieses Strickzubehör (Needle Gauge und Knitters Rule) in diversen Blogs gesehen und „musste“ es einfach haben.

Bei Etsy bietet KaraStix in liebevoller Einzelfertigung erzeugte Strick-Goodies wie etwa dieses Nadelmaß und das Lineal (aus Bambus-Holz) an. Hier findet man viele weitere Beispiele ihrer Künste. Mithilfe von Lasergravur und Fräsmaschine schafft sie ein präzises Maß-Werkzeug, dass sie händisch schleift und verschönert, indem sie es händisch bemalt und durch das Lackieren mit einem speziellen Lack ergibt sich ein seidiger Glanz.

Today I get post from America. In different blogs I saw this knitting goodies (Needle Gauge and Knitters Rule) and it was a must-have for me.

In Etsy you can obtain these wonderful things have been made personally by KaraStix using a laser engraving and cutting machine to ensure highly accurate measurements. It is then lovingly sanded and embellished by hand with colored pencils and coated with a satin polyurethane finish and polished to a silky feel.
Here you can see some examples from her wonderful work.